Sacrament Of Service
… without love I am nothing at all …
St Paul to the Corinthians (1Cor.13:2)
You have decided to get married and this is undoubtedly a very happy and exciting time for you.
Naturally, you want to make plans and for everything to be perfect on your wedding day. You wish to be married in Church and more particularly at St. Mary’s, which is, undoubtedly, a lovely setting for a wedding.
But there is more to a Church wedding than a nice setting. Marriage is a Sacrament. Choosing to be married in a Catholic Church implies that you have a real spiritual dimension to your life; that you understand the profound nature and commitment of the vows you make before God, asking Jesus to be part of your married life together and the blessing of the Church in your marriage.
Getting married at St Mary’s
We follow the Southwark Diocesan directions and require at least six months notice for a wedding.
Your home parish is the best setting for your wedding. Generally speaking, we would ask, therefore, if you wish to be married at St Mary’s that:
You or your partner have your home within the St Mary’s parish boundaries
You or your partner are members of the worshipping community of St Mary’s, living outside the boundaries of the parish
You or your partner have strong family links with St Mary’s
You and your partner will also need to see the Parish Priest together and arrange all the details.
Documents required
The documents required will vary but Catholics must provide a new copy of their baptismal certificate. This can be obtained from your church of baptism and must be issued and dated not more than six months before the date of the wedding. Confirmation details are usually included on this certificate. Additionally, a Declaration of Freedom, signed by each person before a solicitor, is also required. You will be given this by the Parish Priest when you meet with him.
Marriage Preparation Course
The Church deeply cares about you and your future life together. All couples are required to take part in a marriage preparation course. The Lambeth Deanery organises a number of courses throughout the year led by trained couples experienced in family life. Details of how to arrange participation in one of these courses will be given to you by the Parish Priest at your meeting.
Wedding Service Details
A date and time for your wedding will be arranged with the Parish Priest at your meeting. A wedding rehearsal can be organised during the week prior to the wedding. Hopefully, this will help to put you at ease and give an opportunity for the readers to practise.
Weddings outside St Mary’s
If you wish to marry outside of St Mary’s parish but live within the parish boundaries, then all marriage paperwork must be completed here in your home parish.
For Non-Catholic Christians
Non-Catholic Christians must provide a copy of their baptismal certificate and a declaration will need to be completed by the Catholic partner stating that:
“I declare that I am ready to uphold my Catholic faith and to avoid all dangers of falling away from it. Moreover, I sincerely undertake, that I will do all I can within the unity of our partnership to have all the children of our marriage baptised and brought up in the Catholic faith.”