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CTiC, Churches Together in Clapham Lecture and Spire Inspection at St Mary’s Church, Clapham held on

A group from the CTiC met at St Mary’s Church, Clapham on Saturday 24th October 2015 for an illustrated lecture by project architect Fergus Mc Cormick of Thomas Ford & Partners on the repairs to the Spire and on the Heritage Lottery Fund places of worship grant scheme. Fr Richard Reid, parish priest, welcomed those attending and gave a short introduction to the lecture. Fr Charles Corrigan spoke at the end of the presentation about the Church’s experience of dealing with the HLF places of worship grant process. At the end of the lecture Fergus Mc Cormick led a group of those attending up the Spire to view at close quarters the repairs that have been carried out. The Contractor for the repair works PAYE was on hand to provide access to the scaffold and distribute hard hats and high visibility vests to the group ascending the scaffold. The CTiC lecture and site visit was very successful and enjoyed by also those attending. This visit represents the last in a series of site visits and lectures organised by Thomas Ford & Partners which formed an important part of the Church’s activity plan under the Heritage Lottery Fund Grant scheme for the Spire Repairs.

Fergus Mc Cormick B.Arch, RIBA, Dip.Prog.Management, AABCSenior Architect

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