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Meet the Mason’ event at Garden Party held at St Mary’s Church, Clapham on 13th June 2015

At the recent garden party held on 13th June 2015 PAYE contractors organised a ‘Meet the Mason’ stand where visitors to the garden party were informed about the current spire repair project. The ‘Meet the Mason’ part of the stand proved particularly popular with the children. The masons, Ivan Cudby and Anna Rubincam demonstrated to the children how detailed sculpture in stone is carried out and the children had a chance themselves to work with the stone under the expert guidance and supervision of the masons. Andrew Kennedy of PAYE and Fergus Mc Cormick of Thomas Ford and Partners were also on hand to speak to adults and parents about the ongoing repairs to the Spire and show them drawings of the proposed repair works. This ‘Meet the Mason’ event is one of the many educational activities being carried out in conjunction with the spire repair works which have received a generous conservation grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

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