Standing Orders and Bank Transfers
The most cost-effective way of supporting St Mary's is to make a recurring donation via Standing Order.
You can do this by completing a Standing Order Form, (which you should return to your bank), OR via your own Telephone/Internet Banking, which would be our preference.
Both options are explained below.
In either case, please quote your name in the payment reference and complete a Gift Aid form (if you are eligible), so that we may reclaim 25% in tax from HMRC.
1. Completing a Standing Order Form
You can collect a Standing Order form from the Parish Office, or download one via the link below. You should complete this form and return it to your bank for processing.
Please also review the Payment Reference & Gift Aid sections below for further guidance.
2. Standing Orders via Telephone/Internet Banking (Preferred Method)
To set up a standing order via your telephone or internet banking, you will need our bank account details, which can be found below.
St Mary's Bank Details
Bank Name: Barclays Bank Plc
Account Name: St Mary's Church
Sort Code: 20-21-78
Account Number: 10826103
Cheques should be made payable to: "St Mary's Church"
Please also review the Payment Reference & Gift Aid sections below for further guidance.
Payment Reference & Gift Aid
If you do set up a Standing Order, please let us know and quote your name in the payment reference, so we can reconcile our bank account details.
If you are eligible for gift aid, please also complete a Gift Aid form so that we can reclaim the tax on your donation.